In recent decades, cooperative behaviour has been the target of much research. Although there is some evidence about the motives that lead people to engage in cooperation, there is still little research
This study analyzes how prosocial values, organizational concern, and impression management motives to engage in OCB relate to dispositional and situational factors beyond major personality constructs.
The purpose of this paper is to address the subject of work attitude drivers within the current scenario considering two influencing factors, culture and generation. Both membership of a particular
Using a sample of supervisors from a Chilean retail
company, we studied the effects of employees’ role
perceptions on three types of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and on their
With multinational corporations increasingly adopting English as a corporate language, the issue of language management and the pros and cons of language standardization have been widely debated in
More than thirty years ago, Organ started studying discretionary behaviors in
organizations and some of its possible antecedents (Organ, 1977; Bateman & Organ, 1983; Smith, Organ, &